We’ve been using the free online interactive business planner from the Government of Canada and are slowly working through it. We definitely feel that with this venture a plan is prudent. So far we’ve laid out a few phases and some product road map too. The best part is that through casual development we’re almost done Phase 1 already and should hopefully have something in the next couple of weeks.
The goal for full public release is March 7, 2010 at the CRFA Show 2010 in Toronto. That will allow us ample time to complete the first few crucial phases, do some prudent testing and begin to promote locally to increase market share. We’re confident our product will help revolutionize the way restaurateurs interact with their clientele in the online (and offline) world.
We’ll update as often as we can, however most of our resources are being put into development. You can also follow us on Twitter for additional updates.